Thank you for using Dux-Soup!

We’re so glad to have you as a Dux-Soup user and our goal is to make sure that you are getting the most out of Dux-Soup at all times. Dux-Soup Quacks is our regular monthly update that highlights the recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up-to-date on what’s new. It also includes tips and tutorials on how to use Dux-Soup to achieve the best results.
Dux-Soup: sending personalised connection request messages
One of the most commonly asked questions we get is “How to send the right personalised connection request message with Dux-Soup?” and “Where do those messages show up?” so we’ve prepared a quick guide covering everything you need to know about personalised LinkedIn connection request messages.

Plan your work and work your plan.
We are always looking for ways to help you automate your visiting and scanning processes and we hope that the release of the Dux-Soup planner will help to automate much of your daily routine.
LinkedIn has a strict policy that wants you to manually connect with only people that you know, and so using an automated software to connect with people has to be used with caution. To replicate the natural behaviour of LinkedIn profile visiting and connecting, the Planner can automatically run connecting at specific times that you set.
Keep reading to find out more…

We’re live!!!
The Dux couldn’t be quacking any louder! We have integrated live chat function on our website so you can get instant answers to your questions. For the following enquiries, please still email us at or use the contact form on the website and we will get back to you with a detailed reply:
- Subscriptions and Payments
- Questions related to LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Recruiter
- Suggestions for the upcoming Dux-Soup features
- Feedback and any other enquiries if The Dux has gone to sleep and is not quacking any more on live chat
Upcoming Dux-Soup features
We are currently beta-testing a new feature that allows you to skip profiles based on user-specified patterns found on the result-page, for example, a job title or company name. In the next few weeks, we’ll be expanding the skipping options with the ability to skip profiles that don’t have a minimum of shared connection. The higher the number of shared connection the more likely it is that people will accept your invites, so this is a great addition for people who are using expanding their network. Finally, we’re hoping to finalize work on the batch-tagging, to enable our users to quickly tag entire lists of profiles, making these easy to find and reuse in the Tag Search tool.

Customer ❤
Are you a big fan of Dux-Soup and are looking to promote Dux-Soup to you customers? We have teamed up with JVZoo to deliver you and your customers a super-streamlined affiliate experience. Check one of the bundles and join the Dux-Soup team, you could be selling these today and share the ❤

Before you go…
We know you have high expectations that keep changing as you keep improving and stepping up your LinkedIn game. Our tech team is working very hard to keep improving Dux-Soup tools and we’d love to hear your feedback and ideas on what we should fix or add next. Just email us at and let us know! Teamwork is always the best work :)