Are you looking to generate more leads from LinkedIn? Then you may be reading this because you have decided that automating your LinkedIn lead generation is the best way forward. And you’ll be pretty smart if you have.
Results have proven that automating your LinkedIn outreach saves 75% of the time that you’d spend manually running LinkedIn outreach, can generate over 100 new sales meetings a month, and can win you $200,000 of new business in 2 years. So if the results are anything to go by, you’d be silly not to give it a go for yourself.
These are some of the results cited by Dux-Soup users proving that, if done right, LinkedIn automation is a game-changer for businesses. But there are many tools on the market, so which one should you choose?
In this article we share 5 reasons why you should select Dux-Soup for the job, revealing our innermost thoughts on how the tool works and why we’ve developed it the way we have, helping you to make that all-important decision:
1. Proven technology for account safety
2. Range of plans and features
3. Product development
4. Customer Support
5. Results
So, ready to dive into the details? Then let’s begin.
1. Proven technology for account safety
You may have heard, or read about account safety. Sometimes this content is from users sharing their experiences, viewpoints and thoughts. But it can also be from other LinkedIn automation tools using ‘safety’ as their marketing message. There was a lot of hype about trying to make you think that one tool is safer than any of the others. But that hype is dying down as users are getting wiser to the tactics.
Let’s look at the facts here. The reality about LinkedIn account safety is that it comes down to several factors, not all of which are controlled by the tool itself. And with LinkedIn reducing limits on activities like sending connection invitations, the warnings have reduced because people simply aren’t allowed to abuse automation. It’s a positive step from LinkedIn, and it encourages automation users to focus more on quality than quantity.
Here are a couple of the key factors that influence how likely you are to get flagged for using a LinkedIn automation tool:
- The amount of automation activity you run on your LinkedIn account. The reality is, with Dux-Soup, LinkedIn has no way of actually detecting or proving that you are using automation. LinkedIn can only measure your account’s behavior. If you are sending connection requests 24 hours a day, 7 days a week then LinkedIn will smell a rat. After all, who can sustain that level of activity? As a human being, you need to eat, sleep etc. and running automation 24/7 without breaks doesn’t allow for this.
- Which LinkedIn plan you have. LinkedIn rewards paid plan users by allowing them more activity. So, if you are on a free plan, they limit your searches, limit your connection invitations and generally limit your activity. And they are much more likely to send you a warning message to say that they suspect that you could be using automation. How do we know? Because we’ve tried it, tested it, and, sure enough, we had a warning from LinkedIn when on a free plan, and haven’t had another one since moving to a Sales Navigator plan. Same profile, same number of connections, just a different LinkedIn plan.
So, your LinkedIn usage and plan play a large part in how safe your account is from automation warnings. For more on this topic, read our LinkedIn activity recommendations which are based on the LinkedIn plan you have.
But bearing all this in mind, how can we say that our technology is proven for account safety?
Whilst we can’t control which plan you use, we can build safety settings into Dux-Soup, in line with LinkedIn limits. When we say ‘safety settings’, we’re talking about Robot (automation) speeds.
With our Dux-Soup Cloud Edition, we take care of these safety settings for you, ensuring that your activity levels are kept at optimal safety levels. But with Turbo and Pro, you can adjust and override these if you want. Whilst don’t recommend it, we give you the freedom to choose. You can see below the options you have in terms of your safety settings with Turbo and Pro.

Coming back to our statement of ‘proven technology for account safety’. Since 2015, we’ve been monitoring and managing our safety limits and, on accounts where users have stuck to the safety recommendations, we haven’t seen a single user’s account being banned.
So, we’re pretty confident that our track record with our safety settings is 100% effective. And, because there is no way for LinkedIn to detect Dux-Soup’s connection to your LinkedIn account, there’s no danger of it ever proving automation at work.
2. Range of plans and features
Have you heard of the argument between Cloud-based and Browser-based LinkedIn automation tools?
Well, it isn’t an argument for Dux-Soup, because we offer both Cloud-based and Browser-based automation tools. Which one is best for you depends on your circumstances. But what sets Dux-Soup apart is that you can easily switch between them should your needs change.
You can discover the real truth behind Cloud vs Browser-based LinkedIn automation to learn that a Cloud-based tool runs on our infrastructure, improving performance and driving more results with its ‘always on’ capability. But, if you have a spare computer that you can leave on in the background 24/7 to run Dux-Soup, then this could be a more affordable option of browser-based Dux-Soup for you.
What’s important here is that Dux-Soup offers you choice. We’ve listened to our users and delivered 3 great LinkedIn automation products to the market that are suitable for different needs.
Our Pro Edition is great for users who want to get their brand noticed and grow their network with automated connection invitations and follow-up messages.
Our Turbo Edition is for lead generation - create unlimited drip campaigns each with 12 actions, personalization, campaign analysis dashboard and integrations.
Finally, our newest Cloud Edition offers all of the features of lead generation campaigns, integrations and campaign analysis dashboard but it runs the activity from our infrastructure so you can scale your activity with ‘always on’ campaigns.

When it comes to the battle of the features, by focussing solely on LinkedIn automation, Dux-Soup is one of the most advanced.
Features like being able to switch profiles between campaigns, update Hubspot with new leads every time you get a new connection, target Open Profiles with InMails so you don’t use up your InMail credits in your Dux-Soup campaigns….there is a huge list of clever hacks and thoughtful features that Dux-Soup offers.
3. Product Development
You may not be aware, but LinkedIn is continually updating its platform. In fact, in 2023 there were 150 updates. These updates can have a knock-on effect on LinkedIn automation tools and how they perform. If LinkedIn makes a change, then you can find that your LinkedIn automation tool needs to release an update too. Product development is a hugely important part of any SaaS tool.
And that’s exactly what we do. We are known for our speed at releasing updates. In 2023 we released 35 updates of Dux-Soup, some of them the same day in response to LinkedIn updates.
Many more involved adding new features, which are often requested by our users. In 2024 we released 43 updates. At nearly one a week, that’s busy work.
With new features flying out the door, we are quick to take our users’ requests on board.
Our feature request form allows users to suggest any new features they’d like to see incorporated into future releases and vote for the suggestions that they support. These then get added to our development plan for new releases.
At Dux-Soup the development team is super hard at work, ensuring that Dux-Soup continues to work at its usual high standards, plus continues to innovate with new features requested from our users.
4. Customer Support and on-demand training
When you’re learning a new tool, it can be tricky right? You need to become familiar with it, and spend a bit of time working through exactly what it can do.
At Dux-Soup, we have 3 core channels to support you in learning how to use Dux-Soup:
- Video tutorials, offering short, to-the-point demos of how to achieve specific tasks like sending connection requests
- Webinars, which show you complete processes like getting started with our Turbo plan, or how to create campaigns, find profiles and enroll them, or user strategies on how they drive meetings and new business with Dux-Soup.
- Blogs, which offer a written version of webinars, tutorials and general marketing hacks.
Get a bit stuck, or want to upgrade your license, and there’s an excellent support team waiting in the wings to help. Here are a few great reviews of our customer support team:

It makes the team super happy to receive such glowing feedback; they’re always looking at new ways of driving 100% customer satisfaction.
We also have a High Flyer Program, which offers our larger users free training and priority support, plus an account manager to help them get the most from Dux-Soup.
One thing’s for sure we take customer support very seriously.
5. Results!
If you’re going to invest time and energy in learning a new tool, then you’re going to want to invest it in the best one possible to drive the biggest results possible. After all, that’s what you’ll be rewarded for. So although it’s number 5 on our list, it is the most important reason to choose Dux-Soup.
Dux-Soup has over 80,000 users and between them, they’re hitting some pretty huge results. From winning $22 million of business to driving 3x web traffic, to generating 9 new page followers every day, and experiencing 4x sales results, Dux-Soup certainly gets our users results.
Why not explore our case studies and read about some of the amazing results being achieved by Dux-Soup.
After all, it’s what the tool was always meant for, and we love to hear about the results achieved by our customers.
Free Trial
If you’re still not sure whether Dux-Soup is right for you, we offer a free 2-week Turbo trial so you can have a play, and you’ll be provided with tutorials to help you learn the ropes. We’re pretty confident that you’ll love it and never look back. You can follow our LinkedIn automation playbook to help you get started.